When can you say that the question paper generated is excellent, good, satisfactory, bad, etc? After analyzing and taking the opinion of different teachers and students we feel that the fairness of the QP can be viewed in three different perspectives. They are fairness to students, fairness to prescribed syllabus of the course, and fair to the learning objective of the course. A good QP should meet all the criterions to an acceptable level. Even though these are not totally nonoverlapping they seem to be having distinct objectives.
A given question paper is not fair to students if a) the paper does not contain variety of questions such as descriptive, analytical, short length, etc that satisfies the appetite of all types of students. b) The students are not able to complete the paper within specified time duration. c) The mark assigned to a question is not according to its difficulty level and the time required to answer that question. d) Question paper contains ambiguous and poorly worded questions.
A given question paper is not fair to syllabus if a) the questions chosen are not from the topics prescribed in the syllabus. b) The marks allotted to the questions and number of questions is not according to weightage assigned to that topic in the syllabus.
The course learning objective determines the level of competence that should be achieved by the students after the completion of the course. The testing process should meet this objective.
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